Jun 16, 2017
After you are done with your 1st Job Promotion, your off to grinding again. If you have enough money, you should get the following weapons for your class. Be sure to save up some zennies for your equipment and don't just spend it away. The faster you can obtain the weapon, the faster you can kill the monster and get experience. If you have a friend who is a merchant then that will make the purchasing a lot cheaper with their Discount Skills.
Weapons and Armors
Any armor would be great at this point, that is if you have extra zennies for it. At this point, just equip basic armors such as hat, shoes, hood and guards to reduce damage, don't spend too much on expensive armors since the ones sold in the NPCs will not be your long term equipment and you can just hunt for it later.
Prioritize on buying the weapons and off hand equipment listed below...
Thief and Mechants
Attack: 87
Purchase: Morroc and Geffen Weapon Dealer
Buy Price: 19,500 Z (14,820 Z)
Def: 40
Purchase: Izlude, Prontera, Morroc and Alberta Armor Dealer
Buy Price: 14,000 Z (10,640 Z)
Swordsman - Vit Type
Vit type don't need to put points on one-hand mastery, we are just using 1H Swords so you can equip a buckler to raise your defense. You also don't need to buy a spear at this point since it has a very low attack speed and would use both hands.
Attack: 100
Purchase: Prontera Weapon Dealer
Buy Price: 24,000 Z (18,240 Z)
Def: 40
Purchase: Izlude, Prontera, Morroc and Alberta Armor Dealer
Buy Price: 14,000 Z (10,640 Z)
Swordsman - Agi Type
Agility Type swordsman would max up their 2H Sword Mastery skills early on, which will give you a damage boost on 2 handed sword.
Attack: 115
Purchase: Izlude Weapon Dealer
Buy Price: 22,500 Z (17,100 Z)
Crossbow [2]
Attack: 65
Purchase: Payon Weapon Dealer
Buy Price: 17,000 Z (12,920 Z)
Acolyte - Int Type (Support or Magnus)
Magic Attack: 70
Purchase: Geffen Tool and Weapon Dealer
Buy Price: 9,500 Z (7,220 Z)
Attack: 65
Purchase: Payon Weapon Dealer
Buy Price: 17,000 Z (12,920 Z)
Acolyte - Int Type (Support or Magnus)
Magic Attack: 70
Purchase: Geffen Tool and Weapon Dealer
Buy Price: 9,500 Z (7,220 Z)
Def: 40
Purchase: Izlude, Prontera, Morroc and Alberta Armor Dealer
Buy Price: 14,000 Z (10,640 Z)
Acolyte - BattleType (Going for Monk? or Just Good Old Battle Priest)
Magic Attack: 84
Purchase: Prontera Sanctuary / Church Nun
Buy Price: 23,000 Z (17,480 Z)
Acolyte - BattleType (Going for Monk? or Just Good Old Battle Priest)
Magic Attack: 84
Purchase: Prontera Sanctuary / Church Nun
Buy Price: 23,000 Z (17,480 Z)
Def: 40
Purchase: Izlude, Prontera, Morroc and Alberta Armor Dealer
Buy Price: 14,000 Z (10,640 Z)
Mage - Int Type
Magic Attack: 70
Purchase: Geffen Tool and Weapon Dealer
Buy Price: 9,500 Z (7,220 Z)
Def: 20
Purchase: Geffen, Prontera, Morroc and Alberta Armor Dealer
Buy Price: 500 Z (380 Z)
* You can also obtain a Guard[1] when killing pupa, if your lucky enough to get one, hold on to it for over ups or use it with a decent shield card)
* You can also obtain a Guard[1] when killing pupa, if your lucky enough to get one, hold on to it for over ups or use it with a decent shield card)
Leveling Spots
Best for Swordsman, Thief and Merchant Class
Location: Left of Prontera
Quest Needed to go inside:
Signup to Protect Prontera | ||||||||
Once you complete this you will be able to enter the culverts.
It is recommended that you go to the 2nd level since the map is much smaller and easier to navigate. The 2nd level of the culverts have also a very high monster spawn rate which will be advantage in grinding. Be careful with the Thief Bugs because they automatically mob once you hit one of there kind. With a decent party you can try to venture the to the 3rd level but be very careful cause the Male Thief Bugs are hits fast, hard and are very aggressive.
Loot Info:
- Thief Bugs - Jacket[1], Iron Ore (hold on to this, can be sold to blacksmiths later on)
- Thief Bug Egg - Red Gem Stone
- Tarou - Ora Ora (hold on to this, can be use for quest or sold to other players on the later updates)
- Familiar - Ribbon [1], Concentration Potion (use it or sell), Grapes (hold on to it, can be sold to other players later)
- Spore - Hat [1], Strawberry and Blue Herbs (hold on to it, can be sold to other players later)
- Plankton - Concentration Potion (use it or sell), Alcohol (hold on for quest later)
Mandragora Forest
Best for Archer and Firebolt Mages
Location: Right of Prontera then go Up
A very good grinding spots for the range characters, Mandragora's are immobile monsters which the Archers (w/ level 5 vulture's eye) and Mage (level 5 firebolt) can easily snipe and kill. You can save a lot of potions with this strategy and the experience is very good in the early stages. Just be careful not to go too near to the monsters cause if you do, you will surely flinch and might die in the process. Also be alert when a shining plant spawns, kill it as soon as you see it. This is because it drops rare and expensive loots which you can sell or use later on.

Archers should equip a fire arrow for maximum damage, but if your low on zennies then a good old arrow will do.
A Mini MVP Eclipse also spawns on this map so be careful, it can easily kill you during this early stage.
Loot Info:
- Mandragora - Four leaf Clover (Ingredient for Bunny Band), Shoot (can be sold to other players)
- Shining Plant - Emperium, Illusion Flower (for Headgear Ingredients)
Rocker Forest
Best for All Classes, specially with a full party.
Location: from Prontera go Down then Left
A map with fast spawning rockers and poporings. Very good place to grind specially if you have a full party. Spread out and kill all rockers and poporings you can see, you will be able to level up 3-5 levels per hour on this map. The only disadvantage on this map is that it's loots are very bad..
Loot Info:
- Rocker - Green Fillers (cheap headgear, low defense... sell if someone is interested)
- Poporing - Grapes (can be sold to other players)
Payon Cave
Best for Archers, Mage(soul strike), Priest (Full Support)
Location: from Payon go up then Enter the Cave

A not so easy but fun place to grind. You will surely meet friends and help each other here because most monsters are aggressive. A party with a full support is highly recommended because of the high respawn rate of zombies and familiar.
Loot Info:
Best for Archers, Mage(soul strike), Priest (Full Support)
Location: from Payon go up then Enter the Cave
A not so easy but fun place to grind. You will surely meet friends and help each other here because most monsters are aggressive. A party with a full support is highly recommended because of the high respawn rate of zombies and familiar.
Loot Info:
- Zombies - Cursed Ruby (Can be sold to other players for Quest and Headgear Quest), Opal (can be sold to other acolytes for skill quest)
- Familiar - Ribbon [1], Concentration Potion (use it or sell), Grapes (hold on to it, can be sold to other players later)
credits to:
for the images and basic information.
credits to:
for the images and basic information.